Welcome to
with Martina
"Touch is the forgotten language of the Soul"
Alchemy of Touch is a dynamic & poetic form of transformational bodywork, designed to elevate massage, bodywork and healing to a new level by harmonizing both musculoskeletal and energetic techniques from many different modalities.
Alchemy of Touch is so much more than "just" a massage. Even if we work on the physical body, we mainly move energy. Together we unwind any physical imbalances and open subtle energetic channels – restoring the body and mind to a state of harmony and deep relaxation to regain innate and optimum health.
Are you longing to receive conscious touch?
Are you ready to relax and let go of tension in your physical, emotional and mental body?
Are you willing to invest in your own well-being and put your needs first?
Then Alchemy of Touch is for you!

Hi, I'm Martina
A devoted yogini, cacao lover, kirtani and longevity enthusiast with over ten years of experience in the holistic field. In my offerings, I weave some of my favourite modules together; kundalini yoga, breathwork, sound therapy, holistic health and bodywork, to bring healing, transformation and expansion.
I still rememeber my first Alchemy of Touch session. Honestly I was blown away. By the fluid movement, the depth in polarity to the soft feminine strokes, the harmony that was running through my veines after. I loved it and shortly after, embarked on my first training module.
Alchemy of Touch is for anyone longing for a moment to take a breath, receive conscious loving touch, and allow the body to do what it's best at; healing.
When I don't give massage I run my company Kundalini Within, organise retreats and events all over the world, and feel at my best with a cup of ceremonial cacao in my hand around a fire, playing harmonium and chanting mantras.
But before all of this I had a stress-filled life as a corporate lawyer at the biggest law firm in Sweden. One day I had enough, trusted the voice in my heart and quit. This took me on an inner and outer journey all over the world and I never looked back.
I am so happy to offer these amazing bodywork session. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Some words from my clients.

Mattias Norrvid
"Att Martina älskar det hon gör känns i massagen. Helt fantastisk, har inte känt mig så avslappnad och trygg på länge som efter en session med henne. Hennes intuitiva förmåga i beröringen ger upplevelsen en till dimension av djup.
Rekommenderas starkt!"

Ellen Dieden Sandell
"Jag var på en underbar massage hos Martina! Det var första gången jag testade Alchemy of Touch-tekniken och jag älskade det, men framförallt älskade jag hur Martina skapade en trygg, varm stämning och anpassade massagen och stunden till mig. Det kändes som att hon visste precis vad jag och min kropp behövde och jag kände mig både avslappnad och fylld av energi efteråt. Tack!"

Nathalie Juul
"I have had 2 amazing massages by Martina, which have felt like much more than a massage. I have both times gone from stress to fully landing back in my body, with a calm mind. She is incredible and offers such a deep massage, yet constantly aware of your body, so she doesn’t end up creating more tension as she goes deep. Both times my body has felt so much better, tension has been released and I have felt great. I highly recommend Martina!"

Maxinne Björk
"Jag har fått testa på stilen "Alchemy of Touch" av flera massage praktiserande - och det är verkligen något alldeles speciellt. Det är en närvaro, full energi connection och lyhördhet på ett helt annat sätt än om man jämför med många andra massagestilar. Jag fick min första session av Martina för ca ett halvår sedan, och hon är verkligen grym på det hon gör. Hon är varm, passionerad och har verkligen hittat sig i att ge sessions. Jag rekommenderar henne varmt! Ser fram emot min nästa session."

Kajsa Skogens
"Martina är fantastisk! Hennes massage med sån närvaro, lugn och kärlek är den absolut bästa gåvan du kan ge dig själv. Rekommenderar varmt."

Jurga Bernheim
"I was so nourished by Martina’s magical touch! Her presence, her intuition, clear communication made it possible for me to completely relax and go deep into the process. I was hypnotized by the whole experience."
Ready to book a session?
Fill out this form and I will be in contact soon.